Ashlyn Winship

2nd-year Ph.D student in Linguistics at Cornell University


Research interests: syntax/morphosyntax, computational linguistics, psycholinguistics, bilingualism, codeswitching

I am a second-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Linguistics at Cornell. My current research for my qualifying paper investigates agreement attraction effects in Spanish-English codeswitching, using both online and offline measures. I am also a member of the Cornell Computational Linguistics Lab.

When I’m not studying linguistics, you can find me reading Discworld novels, rock climbing, racing triathlons, and recently even teaching sea kayaking with Cornell Outdoor Education.


  • Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science, 2017 (info)
  • New York University, B.A., 2022
  • Cornell University, Ph.D in progress, expected 2028

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